“Another Image of God Stolen”

“Another Image of God Stolen”

It’s hard to put into words what I want to say about the inhumane way Sonya Massey died at the hands of such evil and hatred. To see another human being treated with such hatred as if she was inferior and as if she was a threat rather than someone who needed to be...
When Others’ Actions Cause You Pain

When Others’ Actions Cause You Pain

It’s painful and confusing when leaders in the church make poor decisions. It’s sad to see a pastor fall because it affects how both believers and nonbelievers view the Church, which affects how people view God. I believe that church leaders making poor decisions...
Both Things Can be True

Both Things Can be True

Sometimes we find it difficult to live in the tension that life brings. We as a people love to look at things and people as all good or all bad. In order to live in the tension of relationship we have to understand the importance of recognizing that just because we...
The Perfect Parent

The Perfect Parent

My youngest son is four years old and he has big feelings that change…shall we say…abruptly. One minute it’s smiles and giggles and squeals…the next it’s anger or tears or resentment. He is still learning not to allow his feelings control him. Not too long ago, he was...
What does Healing via Therapy look like?

What does Healing via Therapy look like?

For people to heal, they need someone there with them. A good therapist will provide a save space to attune to the person and their emotions. Therapists cannot take the pain away but they can be there with the person in the pain, because relationship and presence are...
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